Laser Smoking Therapy is pain free, relaxing and effective. Cold laser therapy is a modern, laser based version of acupuncture. Instead of acupuncture needles a cold laser beam, no bigger than a ball point pen is directed onto energy points in the body, ears, nose and wrists.
The stop smoking laser treatment works by directing laser beams on acupuncture points of the body and the ears. The laser treatment provides a feeling of well being, which helps the smoker to handle the temptation to smoke, keeping then calm and relaxed during the first crucial weeks.
When using Laser Therapy to treat smoking symptoms, it can reduce foggy head, mood swings and anxiety
- Low Level Laser Therapy
- How does LLLT work?
- LLLT offers many advantages:
- Treatment Regime Considerations
- Conditions Treated by Laser Therapy:
Recent scientific research is confirming that Low Level Laser Therapy (LLLT) has a seemingly universal effect on all mammalian soft tissue cells! Low doses of electromagnetic energy in specific wave lengths of the infrared range are absorbed by intracellular chromophores. This naturally stimulates cellular metabolism, and triggers the physiological cascade.
The key concept is that properly administered LLLT can significantly accelerate or induce natural healing and/or produce a “rejuvenating effect on all mammalian soft tissue! Our patients typically experience a 25-50% reduction in healing time for acute injuries. LLLT has had excellent results with many chronic conditions -- reducing pain and sometimes curing the problem entirely!
Acupuncture works via the nervous systems to transmit messages to our brain (i.e. our computer) with then:
Activates pain-inhibiting pathways to the area treated
Stimulates increased production of healing agents within the bloodstream, endorphins, serotonin, etc.
In other words, acupuncture boosts our natural healing system.
Laser also stimulates healing within the tissues (a little like ultrasound). The light energy is converted to chemical energy in the mitochondria of the tissue cells, which boosts the healing power at cellular level. Laser therefore boosts general healing and local healing (an extra advantage over needles).
It is absolutely PAINLESS! No needles, injections, electrical stimulation or smelly ointments.
It is NON-THERMAL! During treatment, patients feel virtually nothing as very low levels of photonic energy are directed into targeted tissue. Circulation is stimulated as a natural by-product of increased cellular metabolism, local vasodilation, and vascular regeneration.
It SIGNIFICANTLY ACCELERATES NATURAL HEALING! For acute conditions, TLA patients typically experience a 25-50% reduction in healing time. Chronic conditions are more individualized, but results have often been produced when nothing else worked.
It MINIMIZES OR ELIMINATES SCAR TISSUE! This is especially important in treating traumatic and post-surgical wounds, where scar tissue and keloids are cosmetically undesirable and can cause chronic pain.
It is the ONLY THERAPY THAT CAN BE USED IN AREAS AROUND METALLIC IMPLANTS since LLLT is non-thermal and does not involve electrical stimulation.
It can REDUCE OR ELIMINATE THE NEED FOR ANALGESIC (PAIN KILLING) MEDICATIONS! Such drugs can produce very undesirable side effects.
LLLT should not be used to treat:
Eyes – since the laser could damage light-sensitive ocular tissue.
Cancerous tissue though scientific research in this area is ongoing and holds promise, the energizing effect of LLT is currently contra-indicated for cancerous tissue.
Areas around fetal tissue because LLLT stimulates cellular metabolism.
The following medical conditions are responsive to Low Level Laser Therapy:
Chronic & Acute (traumatic) Pain
Laser Stop Smoking Therapy
Laser Therapy Weight Loss
Neck and Back Pain
Myofascial/Musculoskeletal Pain
Painful Trigger Points
Tendonitis (including Plantar Fasciitis)
Joint Sprains
Frozen Shoulder/Adhesive Capsulitis
Sports Injuries
Rheumatoid Arthritis & Osteoarthritis
Non-union Fractures
Neuropathy and Diabetic Neuropathy
Wound and Burn Healing
Post-surgical/Suture Sites
Bone Donor Sites
Scars & Keloids
Carpal Tunnel Syndrome
Tennis/Golf Elbow
Headaches (including Migraines)
Dental Disease-TMJ
Amputation Recovery
Surgical Wound Site Recovery
Scar Tissue
Mastectomy (post surgery)
Fine Lines and Wrinkles
Treats skin discoloration
Facial veins
No post treatment redness or pain